My wrongful conviction
CBC incident (May 12, 2008, at 1:26pm EDT, 25 John Street, Toronto)

Yes, that’s me, Stephen O’Keefe: the rambling, erratic man who believed he had psychic powers in the above video. This video is a marriage of CCTV security camera footage and audio I recorded on the day. The CCTV video was obtained through the legal disclosure for my criminal trial on February 2, 2009, for supposedly uttering death threats against the two people seen with me in the video. The audio recording is from my own digital voice recorder, which was withheld from me by the Toronto police until they were successful in having me wrongfully convicted. As you can hear in the video, I said I was going to psychically murder everyone in the building, which is not a plausible death threat under Canada's criminal code. I’ve had this confirmed by Toronto criminal lawyer David B. Cousins and Stephen Whitzman, C.S. of the Toronto firm Hicks Adams. The fact is, if the two persons at the CBC had told the police I was going to psychically murder everyone in the building, they would likely have never received the police's attention.

When this video/audio was made, I was suffering from heavy psychosis with delusions, tangential thoughts and paranoia. I was carrying an audio recorder and a large film camera with me regularly due to the extreme paranoia (though, as the video shows, that camera was not with me on May 12, 2008). I was not yet under treatment for a mental illness, however the Treatment Order issued for me by the Ontario courts to prepare me for my trial resulted in a (false) diagnosis of bipolar disorder. After many years of being in-and-out of psychiatric care with relapses, I’ve been properly diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder/schizophrenia, and have been made psychiatrically stable on the appropriate medications since the year 2019.

I should never have even been arrested for making death threats, let alone being brought to trial. My criminal trial should have been handled by Ontario’s mental health courts — but it wasn’t. The CBC security guard omitted my using the term “psychically” when he told the police I was going to kill everyone at the CBC (and claimed I said it twice for emphasis). During my criminal trial, he also claimed that I stated I was going to kill him directly. The guard also falsely stated that I had a digital camera and that I said I took photos of both persons in the video and that they should be ready to call 911 (I had queried the guard about the 9/11 terror event). The guard also falsely reported that I had one long ‘cocaine' fingernail to make it seem as if I was a criminal drug user. The guard’s witness also falsely stated that I said to “hurry and call 911” because I had “a plan” to kill everyone at the CBC. She also omitted my using the term “psychically” to make me seem dangerous.

Olympus WS-320M digital voice recorder

The CBC’s security team also falsely reported that I took photographs of the CBC building while shaking my fist at it. I had no camera on me on May 12, 2008, and my Olympus WS-320M digital voice recorder looked nothing like a camera. During my criminal trial, one CBC security guard witness admitted that I said I had mind control powers, which supports my utterance of killing “psychically”. I was likely trying to demonstrate my special ‘psychic powers’ to a Canadian media outlet, which is why I kept heading back repeatedly to the CBC building until I was held for arrest by its security team. As you can see in the video, the whole CBC event was 40 seconds, but the statements of my two ‘victims’ and the CBC security team made it seem like minutes. Thankfully I now have the audio recording to recall my exact words since, being in deep psychosis, I otherwise remembered nothing I said at the CBC building during my criminal trial. That, and the false statements of witnesses (and the withholding of my audio evidence by the police) guaranteed a conviction by a judge, who ultimately gave me a conditional discharge so that I would not receive a criminal record.

I have provided links below to the necessary documentation for you to download and review. My audio evidence is genuinely from May 12, 2008, and I have provided the (lengthy) raw audio file of my psychotic ramblings so you can authenticate it (the police’s property report also states that they seized an Olympus voice recorder from me). I should have had this wrongful conviction for two counts of death threats overturned when I was fit for a trial in early 2009, but my criminal lawyer did not initiate an appeal at that time for whatever reason. Too much time has now passed to have my conviction overturned, as I've only been psychiatrically stable for five years since 2007. This page serves as my evidence for an appeal in the public domain, which proves that people will make false statements to police, and under oath in court, to have someone they don’t like punished under the law.


Regina vs Stephen O'Keefe disclosure package [2009/01/22] download PDF
(the false cocaine fingernail claim by the CBC guard is at the bottom of page 40 of this PDF)

transcript of 2008/05/12 event download PDF

original Olympus voice recorder file [2008/05/12 at 12:59pm] download ZIP
(26m07s of manic and psychotic rambling with profanity... the CBC event begins at the 25m10s point)

e-mail to my criminal lawyer with the CBC event audio evidence attached, hours after the police returned my digital voice recorder to me at my 2009/02/09 trial download ZIP

2009/02/09 criminal trial summary and transcript download PDF
(the CBC guard's false claim that I had said "I want to kill you" is on page 22,
and "He told me that I was under his mind control" is on page 82 of this PDF)

CCTV video with synchronized audio (as embedded in this page) download MP4

unedited and time-stamped CBC security video files [2008/05/12] download ZIP

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