
stills from A Christmas Story

At left are some frames from A Christmas Story (1986), an animated short for seasonal cable television rotation. The story is basically a "what if" spin on the traditional Christmas tale. I wrote the story and created the animation. Paul Power wrote the script and post-produced the audio. The artwork was created with inked and painted acetate, positioned on watercolour and arcyrlic backgrounds.

WINNER: 1987 National Award for Excellence in Entertainment from The Canadian Cable Television Association.

View it 6:06 minutes). Original format: 3/4" NTSC U-Matic

stills from Electric Avenues

I also directed and produced Program Intros. The images at left are from "Electric Avenues", a weekly music video program. This piece involved a great deal of in-camera superimposing, video within video and colourizing. I also edited the intro.

View it 1:36 minutes).
Original format: 3/4" NTSC U-Matic

Aztec Cable 10 station ID
I also painted a number of Station IDs - the graphics that stay on through the night after the day's broadcast. The Station IDs above and on the lower left were rendered in arcrylic paint on masonite. The image on the lower right is from a children's program. I painted the oversized backdrops using a base of latex house paint, due to the large coverage area.
Canyon Cable 10 station ID Cable 10 puppet with painted backdrop

Click for my reference letter from Cape Breton Cablevision from my beginnings as a playback operator.
