Digital Arts

Celica promotional poster by Stephen O'Keefe  

On the left is a promotional print piece I created in 1992. The automobile was a small, six-inch model kit I had built and photographed in 1990.

Celica model in hand with quarter as size reference

The Tamiya Toyota Celica model was given the same treatment as if it was in a in full size photo shoot: dulling spray, smoked set, soft box lighting and Leica lenses. The photographs were then drum scanned from transparencies and retouched in Adobe Photoshop. The layout was finished in Quark XPress.

I later shot 16mm footage of the car and another model I built, a Kawazaki motorcycle, for incorporation into a 30-second promotional television commercial. Ironically, the final video ended up looking more like an expensive broadcast spot than a $200 portfolio piece.

View it in its original web format and/or as an HD version (0:30 seconds)
Original format: 16mm/NTSC U-Matic 3/4"

 Celica is a Trademark of Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan.  
